I am SENHAJI RHAZI Hamza, software engineer, I got a master degree in mechatronics from FSTF (Fez, Morroco) and a master degree in computer science from EPITA (Paris, France)
This website is constructed with the purpose to be a resource course in informatics/mathematics.
I'm making the bet to explain some "hard" concepts
staying rigorous and clear enough to be understood by just 1 year math university background.
I'm also allowing myself to share some personal thoughts and writings.
EPITA is an engineering school in Paris.
I got specialized in Machine learning and Data-Science field.
Epita is ranked as the second best school in France for computer science field according to "Usine nouvelle" classement for the year 2018
FSTF is a Faculty in Morroco (Fez), where I have studied Mechatronics (MCT) a multidisciplinary field of engineering that includes a combination of systems engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunications engineering, control engineering and computer engineering
2018 (6 months)
My work at reciTAL consisted on doing research on the NLP (natural language processing) task, more specifically for QA systems (Question answering systems) and develop a commercial product out of it.
In other words developing an intelligent search engine, where people can query their unstructured data in human language.
QA systems task is a sub-field of NLP which is a sub-field of AI, where the challenge is to query over unstructured or semi structured data like a Wikipedia articles for example, and have a system that can point the answer on the
article, Stanford university have launched a competition over this task released a famous dataset (SQUAD dataset ) and people all over the world are competing
During my internship, I had to do a research part in order to improve the models and adapt them for French as well as English and develop a commercial product using those models, with all what it implies.
At that time our work at reciTAL lead us to occupy the 3rd place in one of the task (predecting the existence of answer) on the leader-board.
Checkout more details about the competition Competition
launched by Stanford university
2015 (4 months)
OCP Group is the biggest corporation in Morocco, that was representing 7% of the GDP by 2012, I was affected to the service supply, that was in charge to satisfy the demands in supply of all the services (including itself).
supply had difficulties to track the satisfaction of a demand, since when the demand is blocked somewhere in the process, it was difficult to track why, where, when...
They have tried a solution with excel that was heavy and inefficient
to track the progress of a demand.
I have redesigned their way of tracking supply demand, where i replace those excel sheets with an Access Database, and linked it with
interface developed by VB.net, then I have built some performance indicators based on statistics treatments
2014 (2 months)
Astron machine tournante, is a company, specialized in fixing maintaining electrical motors, it was a stable company with the same clients, type of technical problematics to manage, when a motor arrives it goes through a process of electrical/mechanical tests, according to the results and the type of motor, a process of fixing was launched.
2013 (2 months)
2014-2018 (partially)
During my years of study, I have been teaching mathematics and some physics for high school students and also helped for contest preparations like SATS (for USA universities)
This is a Machine learning project more specifically NLP project, that aimed to predict tendencies (positive or negative) of tweets in regard to a subject by selecting parameters like date range, city etc.., to see more checkout our Video
This is a project where the company JUMP gived us some information about a set of assets.
The project was about building a robot
that is able to choose optimal combination from 20 assets among more than 500 assets given, that guarantees the best return on invest
It was a really fun project where I used
Markowitz Model theory for Portfolio optimization checkout the project
In this section, I am gonna enumerate some of Machine learning/Algebra algorithms that I have implemented, that will be put progressively in a form of tutorial in the Machine learning section
In this project, we used a python API called from Scala, for sentiment analysis instead of re-implementing our own, since the aim was to distribute computation on several computers and to make them comunicate throught Kafka, checkout the code
In this project, I have implemented a PhotoShop like application with basic features, like filters, kernels, resize, rotations,etc...
For the UI part the used library was swing proposed by Java for interface design.
Sift is a method used for image recognition, it is not a machine learning method, it's a method where you compute key-points descriptors for an image, which play a role of a signature to the image.
When you have another image that contain
the same object,
you have sensitively close key-points descriptors and by fixing a treshold distance you decide if the 2 image correspond or not, for more details check the wikipedia
article that explain the method, and the source code
This project was more about using TBB library (for parallel programming) by applying several filters on a video stream in parallel.
Ray tracing is a technique to generate a 3d scene from a scene description, in this project I had to handle shades, lights and reflections , you can check out the code source
Here is an example below for 3d rendered scenes where reflection, shade, light is handled :
This project was about implementing a search engine under some memory and time execution constraints, so the reasonable technical choice
was to implement this search engine with c++, using hybrid trie structures.
This project is an example of how we can answer a current use-case (described in the README of the github link )
of user registration, Managing properties, rights on properties... with python flask and POSTGRESQL
This is the application developed during my internship at OCP, described here I have taken some old
excel sheet, i designed a database, used acess, and used VB.net to interface it with the database
This was a project where I had to design a database in order to handle a public transportation like company, that has to
to bill the costumers according to their use of the subway lines, i used Postgresql in this project
This is the famous Game Connect Four , that i have made for my little brother, you can play it
This was a project where I had to implement a file explorer system using haskell programming language, the main competence
acquired in this project was in learning functional programming paradigm, i liked it so much that i taken it a course
in Scala coursera which was completed successfully
This is a project is a ball game on android with 5 levels of difficulty,
the purpose of the game is to touch a ball, that appears randomly in the screen for a short period of time, according
to the level of difficulty, the ball appears for less time, and the number of chances to miss the balls accorded does down, your score is
computed according to the level of difficulty and the number of time you touched the ball, check the source code here
This a project where I have participated in a game competition, where I had to predict
others players moves, under constraint of time execution and memory consumption, i used
in this project the famous algorithm alpha beta used in chess
I have managed to make it to the golden league, here is my coding game profile
This technic consist in holding on memory
a tree of a depth (n) where each node has as children all the alphabet letters of the words that we have to search in.
Having in memory this tree, each branch choosen constitute a prefix, since we subdivide the initial words
into different location according to their prefix, for example for an alphabet {a,b} and a depth n = 2 we subdivide our
initial words in 4 locations instead of one, so the search is going to bee faster, see the image below, and check
code source here
Database + API (Web-micro servie)
API Web-micro service, (Flask/python/POSTGRESQL)
Application delay-tracking for supply service (VB.NET-ACESS) (VB.net + Access)
Managing subway transportation like app (POSTGRESQL)
Game Connect Four (javascript/JQuerry)
File explorer (Haskell)
Game bouncing ball (Java Android)
Coding game (Thron game) (SCALA)
Other interests
The books could be historical, biographic
self development, philosophical, sociological, my last readings that i recommand could be :
I like teaching it, this is
one of the reasons I am doing this website tutorial